Issue 47 – Dinner Guests

had been a fantastic Family Day weekend, but a busy one. They had enjoyed the company of their dear friend, Bea on Saturday, whom Hazel had known since her years in nursing school. Bea was reluctant to come at first, not quite knowing if Hazel was yet “up for company.” But upon hearing that she…

Issue 46 – Making Plans

It had been over a month since Charlie and Hazel moved into their new home, and they were settling in nicely. As the move occurred immediately after Hazel’s fall, there had been some confusion amongst family and friends over whether or not the decision to move was medically necessary. Both Charlie and Hazel had spent…

Issue 45 – Discouragement

Charlie had barely come inside the suite when he was met with angry muttering coming from Hazel in the bedroom. At first, he wasn’t sure is she was complaining about something he did or didn’t do, and was a little hesitant to approach at first. That was until he heard the name “Florence” and knew…

Issue 44 – Terminology

Charlie had just finished having his teeth cleaned and was waiting for the dentist to come in and give him the thumbs up. He never understood why, but he still got anxious in the dentist’s chair, even though his dentist was one of the nicest people he knew. “Well hello there, Mr. Stewart!” Dr. Wong’s…